Baru sampai dari NY pukul 6 pagi tadi.
The journey took almost 11 hours of driving.
Kesian amal labu n naze kerana kena bersengkang mata.
You guys are the best.
Me and Icha only became the loyal co-pilots.
Saya tak tidur selama hampir2 24 jam okay.
Rasa serba salah kalau tidur.
Anyhow, we went to Niagara Falls in NY.
I must confess, Niagara Falls from NY lagi best!
I love Cave of the Winds thing.
Macam dah mandi air terjun.
We were the loudest on that time.
Genting2 hanya dapat memerhati gelagat kami.
Ohhh, memang ramai betul mereka on that day.
They were the first people we saw each time we went on street.
Sampai dah confused kami dekat I or US.
The views of Niagara Falls from Canada were spectacular.
But in the states, the experience is more thrilling.
Tak tipu!
Man, in two months alone, dah pergi both sides of Niagara Falls!
Anyhow, penat jugak la harini.
Balik2, dah kena kerja.
Selamat kerja unload tak penat sangat harini.
Sekarang kena top-up duit untuk next hols.
In the meantime, I have to complete all my homework.
Tak sentuh 1 pun.
STAT 490, CS 235, STAT 416, MGMT 411.
Semua ada.
Okay, nak pergi mandi.