Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday it is..(",)

Wow, it's Saturday folks!
Then, Sunday is approaching us real fast.
Guess what, next Monday opens the new chapter of my life.
Well, i must confess that time does fly real fast.
It's 2010 already.
I'll be graduating next Summer 2011.
A year and a half more.
Phew, then I need to think about work!
My goodness, this cannot be real!
Unfortunately, it is.
Anyhow, let's kick off this semester with a positive attitude,shall we?
Wink* wink*..(",)


saje nk bg tau..(",) said...

yea..i know..
u can do it..caiyok2..
mmuuaahh..4 spirit..mmuuaahh..
wake up2..
take a shower n go to class..

~Amira Abd Rani~ said...

yup, thanks for the kiss..
tula, kne bgn pg dgn semangt!!!..(",)

syafiqah said...

i'll be graduating on 2011 too! huhu

~Amira Abd Rani~ said...

yup takut pn ade..hehe..(",)